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ZingChart bar chart doesn't show first string value from array

I use ZingCharts for my dashboard charts and I am stucked on this problem. I made a codepen to show my problem. I got array of strings which represent average respond time for some task in hours and I cant figure out why my chart never show 1st string value of array as you can see on codepen.

Here i also post my angular function for this chart

 //bar chart with average task time respond
        $scope.avgRespondTaskTime = {
            gui: {
                contextMenu: {
                    empty: true,

            type: 'bar',
            legend: {
                //width: "100%",
                layout: "center",
                position: "50%",
                margin: "0px 0px 0px 0px",
                borderColor: "transparent",
                backgroundColor: "transparent",
                marker: {
                    borderRadius: 10,
                    borderColor: "transparent"
            tooltip: {
                text: "%v hours"
            "scale-x": {
                "label": { 
                    "text": "Project name",
                "labels": projectNames

            "scale-y": {
                "label": { 
                    "text": "Average Time",
            series: [
                 text: "Completed in Time",
                 values: $scope.avg_respondTime,
                 backgroundColor: "#00a65a"


  • So I solved my problem with using moment.js using this function

    moment.duration("your string represent time").asHours()

    which I store into array $scope.avg_respondTime

    Hope it helps someone in future.