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Returning the subclass in a UIViewController static

Consider a base UIViewController class...

class Rooms: UIViewController {
    class func instantiate()->Rooms {

    static func make()->Rooms {
        let emplacedAndSetup = self.instantiate()
        // various kodes here
        // very likely put s.view somewhere
        return emplacedAndSetup


(Note the self. before instantiate() which seems to be necessary to get "that" instantiator.)

Each subclass knows its own storyboard ID to how use to instantiateViewController:

class Dining: Rooms {
    override class func instantiate()->Dining { // returns a "Dining"
        let d = stbd.instantiateViewController(
            withIdentifier: "Some Specific Scene") as! Dining
        return d
class Bath: Rooms {
    override class func instantiate()->Bath { // returns a "Bath"
        let b = stbd.instantiateViewController(
            withIdentifier: "Some Other Scene") as! Bath
        return b

You can do this,

let d  = Dining.make()
let r  = Bath.make()

The only minor problem is, it returns the base class. BUT SEE BELOW. So in practice you have to

let d  = Dining.make() as! Dining
let r  = Bath.make() as! Bath

Is there a way to modify the static make so that indeed Dining.make() would return a Dining and Bath.make() would return a Bath?

( @Hamish has pointed out that one could use an init and Self pattern, Method that returns object of type which was called from However, I think that's not possible due to the instantiateViewController. )

So. Say you have code like

let d = Dining.make(blah blah)

in fact. At run time, d does become a "Dining", not a "Room"

that's fantastic.

But. If you do this in the IDE

let d:Dining = Dining.make(blah blah)

it fails - it thinks d is going to be a Room, not a Dining.

So all your code has to look like this:

let d = Dining.make(blah blah) as! Dining

which sucks. How to fix?

Note just TBC the solution is to make the static a generic, rather as in MartinR's answer here Example code in answer below.


  • I don't like to provide my own answer, but the solution is ..

    So the problem is, at editor time

    let d = Dining.make()

    "doesn't work", you have to do this

    let d = Dining.make() as! Dining

    (It DOES work at compile time, d becomes a Dining: it doesn't "work" at editor time.)

    So the solution is

    static func make()->Rooms {
        let emplacedAndSetup = self.instantiate()
        return emplacedAndSetup


    static func make<T: Rooms>()->T {
        let emplacedAndSetup = self.instantiate() as! T
        return emplacedAndSetup

    So that's it.

    Note - it's entirely possible AppzForLife's solution works and/or is better as a general purpose "UIViewController auto-instantiator", but this is the answer to the question per se.