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vagrant default configuration

I have configs that must always be present in Vagrantfile, when init is run, regardless of box.
For example when I run vagrant init ubuntu/trusty64 or vagrant init centos/7 this must be present in both Vagrantfiles:

config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
  vb.memory = 2048

 config.vm.provision "shell", inline: <<-SHELL
   # obligatory provisioning goes here

Is there any way I can configure vagrant, so that when I run vagrant init this lines already be present in Vagrantfile?


  • By default you cant really change this behavior, unfortunately vagrant init does not propose an option to use your own Vagrantfile (that would be neat but not there). There are 2 templates (see that can be used, the default one and a minimal one.

    You're left with the following options:

    1. overwrite the default template Vagrantfile.erb

    search the file in your system (on mac it should be somewhere in /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.9.1/templates/commands/init/Vagrantfile.erb depending your version) and change it to what you need.

    1. You can have a global Vagrantfile under the .vagrant.d directory that will be applied to all your Vagrantfiles. See LOAD ORDER AND MERGING in vagrantfile documentation.

    2. Write a plugin with a new command to create the Vagrantfile. that is probably overkill though