I've been struggling to create an array of layers, and each layer contains an image. Then perform median on this layer array to get one image.
Every added layer (from o[i,j]
) is 2D with shape (460, 640)
containing floats.
In matlab you could easily do:
r_n = cell(1, num_filters);
for i = 1:num_filters
layers = o{i,1};
for j = 2:num_faces
layers = cat(3, layers, o{i,j});
r_n{i} = median(layers, 3);
The thing that I'm new to python, and maybe I'm still thinking in a Matlabish way
I tried:
for i in range(0,num_filters):
layers = o[i+k,0]
for j in range(1,num_faces):
layers = np.array([layers,o[i,j]]); ### HERE IS MY PROBLEM
print layers.shape;
r_n[i] = np.median(layers, axis = 0);
k = k + 65;
my layers array is wrong... what is a proper way to do it ?
You could stack them with np.stack
(creating a new axis) and then apply the median:
# just some random arrays
layers = [np.random.random((10, 10)),
np.random.random((10, 10)),
np.random.random((10, 10))]
np.median(np.stack(layers, axis=0), axis=0)
Or with a for
layers = [o[i+k,0]]
for j in range(1,num_faces):
np.median(np.stack(layers, axis=0), axis=0)