I keep getting the error:
Error: Assertion Failed: The response to store.query is expected to be an array but it was a single record. Please wrap your response in an array or use
to query for a single record.
This is my back end:
.post(parseUrlencoded, parseJSON, function (request, response) {
var advancedStanding = new models.AdvancedStandings(request.body.advancedStanding);
advancedStanding.save(function (error) {
if (error) response.send(error);
response.json({advancedStanding: advancedStanding});
.get(parseUrlencoded, parseJSON, function (request, response) {
//var l = parseInt(request.query.limit);
//var o = parseInt(request.query.offset);
var AdvancedStanding = request.query.filter;
if (!AdvancedStanding) {
models.AdvancedStandings.find(function (error, advancedStandings) {
if (error) response.send(error);
response.json({advancedStanding: advancedStandings});
//models.AdvancedStandings.paginate({}, { offset: o, limit: l },
// function (error, students) {
// if (error) response.send(error);
// response.json({advancedStanding: advancedStandings.docs});
// });
} else {
// if (Student == "residency")
models.AdvancedStandings.find({"studentInfo": AdvancedStanding.studentInfo}, function (error, advancedStandings) {
if (error) response.send(error);
response.json({advancedStudent: advancedStandings});
The is my front end:
showStudentData: function (index) {
this.set('currentStudent', this.get('studentsRecords').objectAt(index));
this.set('studentPhoto', this.get('currentStudent').get('photo'));
var date = this.get('currentStudent').get('DOB');
var datestring = date.toISOString().substring(0, 10);
this.set('selectedDate', datestring);
var self2 = this;
Does any have any idea on what this is happening?
the query
function expects multiple results. so you need to use queryRecord
or wrap your response in an array literal
if (!AdvancedStanding) {
models.AdvancedStandings.find(function (error, advancedStandings) {
if (error) response.send(error);
response.json([{advancedStanding: advancedStandings}]);
// you were returning a single object
// note the array is now wrapping your previous result
//models.AdvancedStandings.paginate({}, { offset: o, limit: l },
// function (error, students) {
// if (error) response.send(error);
// response.json([{advancedStanding: advancedStandings.docs}]);
// you were returning a single object
// note the array is now wrapping your previous result
// });
} else {
// if (Student == "residency")
models.AdvancedStandings.find({"studentInfo": AdvancedStanding.studentInfo}, function (error, advancedStandings) {
if (error) response.send(error);
response.json([{advancedStudent: advancedStandings}]);
// you were returning a single object
// note the array is now wrapping your previous result