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SQL injection understanding trouble c#

Recently I have been studying how to use parameters to store data from c# to xampp database. I just need a few clarification about some topics.

using System.Data;
using MySql.Data.MySqlClient;

ConnectionClass cc = new ConnectionClass();

private MySqlConnection myConn = new MySqlConnection(ConnectionClass.GetConnection());
private MySqlCommand cmDB;

cc.SetCMD("UPDATE mia_payroll.tbl_attendance SET TimeIn = @TimeIn, Date = @Date, EID = @EID;");

using(myConn)   ** // 1) can I do it like this or instantiate another new MysqlConnection?**
   cmDB = new MySqlCommand(cc.GetCMD(), myConn);

      myReader = cmDB.ExecuteReader(); 
      // 2)In MSDN it's SqlDataAdapter is mine okay?
      cmDB.Parameters.Add("@EID", Text, 11);
      // 3) is the position of this line correct or do I need to adjust this?
      // 4) the text in () generates error how do I do this?
      cmDB.Parameters["@EID"].Value = lblEID.Text;
      // 5) How do I instantiate another 5 variables? (an int, a text, a time, date and a varchar)
      // 6) and does parameters allow special characters into database? or should I just use regex?

      while (myReader.Read())
         TimeSpan TIN = myReader.GetTimeSpan("TimeIn");
         lblTIN.Text = TIN.ToString(@"hh\:mm\:ss");
   catch (Exception ex)

So school is not helping that much for they only taught us only the basic of C# and I have been watching Programming Knowledge from youtube and he doesn't have any vids on parameters.


  • try this sample, please edit accordingly to suit your needs accordingly.

    using System.Data;
    using MySql.Data.MySqlClient;
    var timeIn = blabla;
    var eID = lblEID.Text;
    //var blablabla = blablabla; 
    var query = @"UPDATE mia_payroll.tbl_attendance SET TimeIn = @TimeIn, Date = @Date, EID = @EID"; //are you missing a WHERE clause? otherwise you will update all row. maybe you want to do something like below.
    //var query = @"UPDATE mia_payroll.tbl_attendance SET TimeIn = @TimeIn, Date = @Date, EID = @EID WHERE rowID = @rowID";
    using(MySqlConnection myConn = new MySqlConnection(ConnectionClass.GetConnection()))
    using(MySqlCommand cmDB = new MySqlCommand(query, myConn))
            //for your question to me about adding parameters value, just keep adding.
            cmDB.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TimeIn", timeIn);
            cmDB.Parameters.AddWithValue("@eID", eID);
            //cmDb.Parameters....... and so on
            //now execute query
            using(MySqlDataReader myReader = cmDB.ExecuteReader())
                     //do what you want with your result.
        catch (Exception ex)