This seems like it could be a bug in ECL's implementation -- or due to some detail in the standard:
> (probe-file #P"/usr")
> (probe-file #P"/usr/")
> (probe-file #P"/")
> (probe-file #P"//")
One more case:
> (probe-file #P"/.")
Update, FWIW, SBCL does what I expect:
* (probe-file #P"/")
Here is a commit message from the fix I'm testing right now (hope this answers the question – it was a bug indeed):
unixfsys: remove coerce_to_posix_filename
This was a workaround around bugs in cygwin and mingw (which are already fixed), when the directory name ended with '/'. This fix introduced extra bug with probe-file called on the root directory (it returned nil on all platforms).
Original comment:
This converts a pathname designator into a namestring, with the particularity that directories do not end with a slash '/', because this is not supported on all POSIX platforms (most notably Windows).
Bug reference:
Fixes #351.