After moving our application war from Glassfish3 to a deployment with Payara Micro, the JAX-RS serialization (jersey + jackson) doesn't work any more.
Thanks to Adam, we solved the issue with serializing pure collections, we now encounter similar errors when returning POJOs:
public BirdyTO findAllDaBirdy() {
return getBirdy();
where BirdyTO is a POJO which contains other POJOS and/or collections of POJOS.
That one gives us the error:
MessageBodyWriter not found for media type=application/json;charset=utf-8, type=class org.example.BirdyTO, genericType=class org.example.BirdyTO.
Strange thing is that similar interfaces in same application work fine.
Any idea?
Mapping of POJOs to JSON is not standardized in Java EE. Glassfih 4/Payara use MOXy to map POJO to JSON by default, which uses JAXB for the mapping. See [this post by Reza Rahman] ( It is possible that BirdyTO cannot be mapped by Moxy.
If you want to use Jackson, you have to:
property to true
)More info how to do it in this answer: Customizing JSON marhsalling with GlassFish v4