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How to setup multiple domains on AEM dispatcher

I have a website which is already hosted and using AEM. I have another domain which needs to be hosted. If it is hosted, what are the configurations that need to be configured on the same AEM system(Author, Publisher and Dispatcher).


  • The official Adobe documentation has already been provided to you in previous posts but it doesn't come close to covering everything that is required to achieve a proper multi-tenant setup.

    Unfortunately, multi-tenancy is something that can be quite difficult to get right if it hasn't been thought about right from the start and requires a highly competent team.

    Web Server

    Depending on your web server configuration, you will most likely have to add an additional VirtualHost entry for your new domain.

    <VirtualHost *:80>
        DocumentRoot /usr/lib/apache/htdocs/content/sitea
        <Directory /usr/lib/apache/htdocs/content/sitea>
            <IfModule disp_apache2.c>
                SetHandler dispatcher-handler
                ModMimeUsePathInfo On
            Options FollowSymLinks
            AllowOverride None

    If you are rewriting requests at the web server level, you will have to add new rewrite rules by configuring mod_rewrite accordingly so that requests are forwarded to the correct content path.


    In the dispatcher configuration, you will have to create a new farm for your site based on the virtual host. I suggest you break those up into files like so:

       $include "farm-sitea.any"
       $include "farm-siteb.any"
       $include "farm-flush.any"

    Note: Make sure that users cannot access restricted content of another site using your new site. For example, if should not be accessible, make sure the same goes for


    If you are leveraging Sling Mappings for resolving requests coming in to your AEM instance, you will have to add additional entries for your new domain under /etc/map.

    I've written extensively on the topic of link rewriting here.

    Now that you are hosting multiple sites in a single AEM instance, you will need a common code base between the two applications to store instance-wide configuration and utility classes. Service configuration that you could include in this common package are:

    • etc

    When it comes to multi-tenancy, there is a LOT to think about. Some additional areas that you may need to cover are:

    • tagging taxonomy (centrally defined namespaces for content tagging)
    • ACLs (site A authors should be able to author site B)
    • internationalization
    • workflows (OOTB workflows will impact all sites)
    • DAM
    • etc

    Hope this helps!