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What format is the coordinate of this geojson example

I have this geojson for bike paths and I can't seem to figure out what the coordinates represents. I was expecting longitude and latitude, but those doesn't seem to be it.

Here is an example:


The source of data can be found here : bike path data Unfortunately, it is only in french, but the data is under geojson section then click on "Explorer/Aller a la ressource"

Any help is appreciated,



  • Your data uses this spatial reference system: EPSG:2950, also known as: "NAD83(CSRS) / MTM zone 8". The units in this system is meters.

    This information can be found at the top of your geojson file here:

    "name": "urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::2950"

    The crs stands for coordinate reference system (And for the trivia value, EPSG stands for "European Petroleum Survey Group").

    This is likely confirmed by the shapefile from the same data source (based on your link), the .prj file states:


    The MTM refers to Modified Transverse Mercator. If you want to easily convert this data (unproject it essentially) to WGS84 to get longitude latitude pairs, you could download the shapefile, unzip it, and add all files to, open the console and enter proj wgs84 and then export as a geosjon (or topojson).