I followed these steps to get the Host Light example device registered on Weave and running on a Raspberry Pi 3. I'm able to control it with Home and the Weave Console.
Now I'm trying to do the same for a Host Hvac device (I looked at the Hvac example for the MW302 as a reference), but I'm not able to register the device with ./out/host/examples/hvac/hvac -r xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx.
It gets stuck at the following, with no visible errors:
[(4068588.179)I daemon.c:146] Heap state at daemon_connected: free=0, iota_allocated=15721, iota_max_allocated=15754
[(4068588.180)I daemon.c:152] Daemon connected.
With the Host Light example, I do see the device registering and it works fine:
[(4069131.290)I daemon.c:268] Waiting for registration message to be sent.
[(4069131.290)I daemon.c:146] Heap state at daemon_connected: free=0, iota_allocated=15234, iota_max_allocated=15268
[(4069131.290)I daemon.c:152] Daemon connected.
[(4069131.290)I daemon.c:137] Registering with ticket xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
[(4069131.290)I weave_http.c:98] Sending PATCH Request https://www.googleapis.com/weave/v1/registrationTickets/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx?key=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[(4069133.198)I weave_register.c:205] Sending Registration Finalize Request
[(4069133.198)I weave_http.c:98] Sending POST Request https://www.googleapis.com/weave/v1/registrationTickets/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/finalize?key=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[(4069135.880)I settings.c:71] Device id: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
[(4069135.880)I weave_register.c:233] Sending Registration OAuth Request
[(4069135.880)I weave_http.c:98] Sending POST Request https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token
[(4069135.196)I weave_register.c:270] Registration Complete
[(4069135.196)I dev_framework.c:295] Heap state at daemon_registered: free=0, iota_allocated=23704, iota_max_allocated=35344
[(4069135.196)I dev_framework.c:296] Registration Succeeded.
> [(4069135.197)I weave.c:550] Fetching Command Queue
Has anyone managed to create a Host Hvac device successfully?
There's now an Hvac host example in the Libiota repo: https://weave.googlesource.com/weave/libiota/+/master/examples/host/hvac_controller/
For those of you working on running any of the host example devices on a Raspberry Pi, note that you might need the following dependencies:
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev libldap2-dev libidn11-dev libssh2-1-dev libkrb5-dev librtmp-dev
Also weave_client (used to register the device) needs Pycurl on your Linux machine. Download the source from pycurl.io and install it with python setup.py install
. You may need to install these dependencies as well:
sudo apt-get install libcurl4-gnutls-dev python-dev