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Running Multiple Queries from an Excel Sheet in VBScript

Hello Scripters from all over, I am currently working on a VBScript to pull Query parameters from an excel sheet and run a Query on an SQL server (Sybase ASE) for each line in the excel sheet.

Currently I have the code that pulls the parameters successfully and runs the first row, but when I begin the next row, the query fails due to "Missing Object", but I have already attempted to keep the ADO Connection open and rerunning a query into the recordset, as well as re-creating the connection for every row in the excel sheet and running the recordset. My code currently is as follows:

Dim MyConnection, MyRecordSet, MyExcel, MyExcelBook, MyExcelSheet
Dim ConnectionString, Parameter1, Parameter2, SQL, I
ConnectionString = "Driver=ODBC Driver;UserID=Admin;Password=Pass;"

Set MyExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set MyExcelBook = MyExcel.Workbooks.Open("C:/Test.xls")
Set MyExcelSheet = MyExcelBook.WorkSheets(2)
Set MyConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set MyRecordSet = CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
MyConnection.Open ConnectionString
I = 2

Do while MyExcelSheet.Cells(I,2).Value <> ""
    Parameter1 = MyExcelSheet.Cells(I,6).Value
    Parameter2 = MyExcelSheet.Cells(I,7).Value
    SQL = "Select * From Table Where Type=" & Parameter1 & " AND Color=" & Parameter2 & ";"
    MyRecordSet.Open SQL, MyConnection
    'Save RecordSet to another Excel sheet'
    I = I + 1

Set MyConnection = Nothing

Is there any way to run another query on the same connection to the database without running into the

Object Required


Edit after suggested changes, still have the same error.

Dim MyConnection, MyExcel, MyExcelBook, MyExcelSheet
Dim ConnectionString, Parameter1, Parameter2, SQL, I
ConnectionString = "Driver=ODBC Driver;UserID=Admin;Password=Pass;"

Set MyExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set MyExcelBook = MyExcel.Workbooks.Open("C:/Test.xls")
Set MyExcelSheet = MyExcelBook.WorkSheets(2)
Set MyConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
MyConnection.Open ConnectionString
I = 2

Do while MyExcelSheet.Cells(I,2).Value <> ""
    Parameter1 = MyExcelSheet.Cells(I,6).Value
    Parameter2 = MyExcelSheet.Cells(I,7).Value
    SQL = "Select * From Table Where Type=" & Parameter1 & " AND Color=" & Parameter2 & ";"
    Dim MyRecordSet
    Set MyRecordSet = CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
    MyRecordSet.Open SQL, MyConnection
    'Save RecordSet to another Excel sheet'
    I = I + 1

Set MyConnection = Nothing


  • So after much testing of different ideas, I finally got the code to work. The issue happened when MyRecordSet was being closed. The status went back to 0 and when you attempted to re-open MyRecordSet, it would fail with a broken object. Reconnecting an then re-opening MyRecordSet led to the same error. So here is the finished code edit that works.

    Dim MyConnection, MyRecordSet, MyExcel, MyExcelBook, MyExcelSheet
    Dim ConnectionString, Parameter1, Parameter2, SQL, I
    ConnectionString = "Driver=Adaptive Server Enterprise;UserID=Admin;Password=Pass;Pooling=False"
    Set MyExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
    Set MyExcelBook = MyExcel.Workbooks.Open("C:/Test.xls")
    Set MyExcelSheet = MyExcelBook.WorkSheets(2)
    I = 2
    Do while MyExcelSheet.Cells(I,2).Value <> ""
        Parameter1 = MyExcelSheet.Cells(I,6).Value
        Parameter2 = MyExcelSheet.Cells(I,7).Value
        SQL = "Select * From Table Where Type=" & Parameter1 & " AND Color=" & Parameter2 & ";"
        Set MyConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
        MyConnection.Open ConnectionString
        Set MyRecordSet = CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
        MyRecordSet.Open SQL, MyConnection
        'Save RecordSet to another Excel sheet'
        Set MyRecordSet = Nothing
        Set MyConnection = Nothing
        I = I + 1

    Now if you ask me if its Database specific, I would not know. But this code works with using the Adaptive Server Enterprise Driver and I did use LankyMart's advice with turning connection pooling off. I understand only setting the 'object = nothing' without closing the connection first goes against standard coding practices, but it works. Thanks to those that helped out.