I've had this code running since L5.0. With the latest update to L5.3.30 + the dependencies, it appears to be broken. Perhaps I've done something wrong since the beginning?
Here is the simplified code:
{!! Form::select('currency', ['USD'=>'USD: *escape code here*'],
null, ['class'=>'form-control', "required", 'id'=>'currency']) !!}
For the last few years this code has returned a select box with text like this: "USD: $"
After composer update to L5.3.30, on all servers (test, dev, prod), it now returns the html symbol instead: "USD: escape code here"
I have temporarily (and successfully) patched this using:
<select name = 'currency' id="currency" required class="form-control">
@foreach (\Helper::currency() as $k=>$v)
<option value="{{$k}}">{!! $v !!}</option>
The above code has the escape code for the currency in the $v var, and shows up correctly in the select box.
Please help - this breaks quite a few forms on my app.
Thank you.
EDIT: I can still correctly display unescaped text using {!! !!} everywhere else. It appears to only affect Form::select() items. I therefore am starting to think this is not an issue with Laravel's blade escape, but rather with the latest version of the Laravel Collective Form function
SOLUTION: I noted this to the Laravel Collective Dev team, but this has apparently NOT been rolled back. See https://github.com/LaravelCollective/html/issues/296 for latest.
You can "fix" it by downgrading Laravelcollective html package to version 5.3.0 (down from 5.3.1 which is current version). Just edit composer.json "require"
"laravelcollective/html": "5.3.*",
with this:
"laravelcollective/html": "5.3.0",
Downside is that you will use older version which may have some other issues which was already fixed in 5.3.1, but i dont have any specific information on that.