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How to install Amd LibM?

Im trying to install AMD LibM to my linux debian but I dont know how to.

I Downloaded the :


AMD LibM Library for Linux®. Built with GCC 4.7.2

However it just comes with the following folders : include , lib

What am i supposed to do? Im trying to use amdlibm with theano


    1. make a tmp folder in your home directory, say you're jj

      mkdir /home/jj/tmp

    2. move the tarred file to the directory

      mv amdlibm-3.1-lin64.tar.gz /home/jj/tmp

    3. untar

      tar zxvf amdlibm-3.1-lin64.tar.gz

    4. you need to be root or have root priv

      mv /usr/local/lib mv amdlibm.h /usr/local/include

    5. complile with gcc or whatever to make a.out executable

      gcc myfile.c -L/usr/local/lib/lamdlibm -I/usr/local/include