I'm using a grid with asp.net MVC. Currently the grid is using .DataSource(c => c.Read())
to call a URL that returns an IEnumerable<item>
which goes into the grid.
I want to implement paging in the grid. However the data does not have the normal method of paging (count, page number etc.).
Instead when I retrieve my data internally I get the data back like this:
{ items: [. . . ], nextPage: 'J23jeg9e93', previousPage: 'oqow0r93285' }
To get the next page you must make the request again for the data, but include the paging token for next or previous page.
At the moment I am only returning the items array to the grid, so no nextPage/previousPage metadata.
I can't see any way to include this metadata, as I am simply returning an IEnumerable of items so there is no wrapper object to put the metadata in.
I can use .Data()
to attach metadata to the read request, but I need to do it the other way around. Once I get the metadata back I need to be able to store it in a javascript variable so that I can send it in .Data()
I don't know how you are actually triggering the NextPage, PreviousPage operations, but...
You can use the MVC Custom DataSource configuration to provide access to more options like the Schema configuration. http://docs.telerik.com/aspnet-mvc/getting-started/custom-datasource
The Schema configuration allows you to add a Parse function that can take your custom result format:
{ items: [. . . ], nextPage: 'J23jeg9e93', previousPage: 'oqow0r93285' }
and extract the items(to give to the grid) AND the nextPage, previousPage values(for you to store to pass to the next read request).
For example:
Sample Grid:
.DataSource(ds => ds
.Schema(schema => schema
.Transport(transport => transport
.Read(read => read.Action("Grid_Read", "Home").Type(HttpVerbs.Post).Data("readData"))
Sample parseData and readData javascript:
var nextPage,
function readData() {
// Return the "extra" data that should be posted with each grid read request, which is the nextPage/previousPage we were given in the previous request respsonse.
return {
nextPage: nextPage,
previousPage: previousPage
function parseData(data) {
// Parse the response from the server as it isn't in the typical format expected by the grid.
// Extract your nextPage/previousPage, store it somewhere so they can be added to the next grid request.
nextPage = data.nextPage;
previousPage = data.previousPage;
// Return the actual data that should be displayed in the grid.
return data.items;
Sample grid read action:
public ActionResult Grid_Read([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request, string nextPage, string previousPage)
// "Fetch" the data, presumably doing something with nextPage and previousPage...
var items = new List<GridViewModel>()
new GridViewModel() { name = "bob", age = 23},
new GridViewModel() { name = "jim", age = 43},
// Determine what the new nextPage, previousPage should be...
var newNextPage = "J23jeg9e93";
var newPreviousPage = "oqow0r93285";
return Json(new
items = items,
nextPage = newNextPage,
previousPage = newPreviousPage
This is not a complete, robust solution, but I think it can be made workable and will at least point you in a possible direction.