I am trying to integrate A console app project into to a.netcore project. In my console app the project does exactly what I want it to do and build and run perfectly well but when copied into the .net core web application when I try to add the library references it is suggesting a completely different library from the ones I am using the console app. when I try to use the suggested libraries the project will not build or if I am using the exact same reference it will not work in the .net core web app.
private HttpWebResponse PutOnUri(string uri, string contentType, string body)
byte[] bodyBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(body);
var client = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(uri);
client.AllowAutoRedirect = false;
client.AllowWriteStreamBuffering = false;
client.Method = "PUT";
client.ContentType = contentType;
client.ContentLength = bodyBytes.Length;
client.GetRequestStream().Write(bodyBytes, 0, bodyBytes.Length);
return (HttpWebResponse)client.GetResponse();
catch (WebException e)
return (HttpWebResponse)e.Response;
private XmlDocument LoadXMLFromUri(string uri)
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
return doc;
private string ConvertXmlDocumentToString(XmlDocument doc)
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
XmlTextWriter tx = new XmlTextWriter(sw);
return sw.ToString();
These are the reference I am using in the OLD Console app and it works fine:
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
Additional functions (Uses XPAth):
private string GetValueFromDocumentByXPath(XmlDocument doc, string xpath)
var nav = doc.CreateNavigator();
var it = nav.Select(xpath, nameSpaceManager_);
if (it.MoveNext())
return it.Current.Value;
return "";
private void SetValueToDocumentByXPath(XmlDocument doc, string xpath, string value)
var nav = doc.CreateNavigator();
var it = nav.Select(xpath, nameSpaceManager_);
if (it.MoveNext())
You will need to modify your code a bit.
private XPathDocument LoadXMLFromUri(string uri)
var req = WebRequest.CreateHttp(uri);
var resTask = req.GetResponseAsync();
XPathDocument doc = new XPathDocument(resTask.Result.GetResponseStream());
return doc;
private string ConvertXmlDocumentToString(XmlDocument doc)
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
XmlWriter tx = XmlWriter.Create(sw);
return sw.ToString();
private string GetValueFromDocumentByXPath(XPathDocument doc, string xpath)
var nav = doc.CreateNavigator();
var it = nav.Select(xpath, nameSpaceManager_);
if (it.MoveNext())
return it.Current.Value;
return "";
private void SetValueToDocumentByXPath(XPathDocument doc, string xpath, string value)
var nav = doc.CreateNavigator();
var it = nav.Select(xpath, nameSpaceManager_);
if (it.MoveNext())
private HttpWebResponse PutOnUri(string uri, string contentType, string body)
byte[] bodyBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(body);
var client = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(uri);
client.Method = "PUT";
client.ContentType = contentType;
var reqStreamTask = client.GetRequestStreamAsync();
reqStreamTask.Result.Write(bodyBytes, 0, bodyBytes.Length);
var resTask = client.GetResponseAsync();
return (HttpWebResponse) resTask.Result;
catch (WebException e)
return (HttpWebResponse)e.Response;