i am storing member's created date using the time() function, and echo them back using strftime() and the date() function, but it doesnt display the right time information
my code is :
date("d-m-Y H:i:s", $member->created)
it should have displayed this:
17-11-2010 14:42
rather than:
17-11-2010 23:45
now, i have change my php.ini date.timezone configuration into my current time zone which is "Asia/Jakarta", yet nothing change. i have also try to set them manually inside my code using
what did i miss ? please help me
according to Noodles, i need to check the server's clock setting, so i did using the hwclock command, and it turns out that the clock setting is not right, since it displayed
Thu 18 Nov 2010 02:07:25 AM WIT -0.931691 seconds
while it should have been
Wed 17 Nov 2010 05:04:ss PM
now, how can i syncronize this setting into my timezone ??
Edit: i have manage to change the clock setting using
date -s "HH:MM:SS"
hwclock --systohc
thanks for pointing me out Noodles
case is closed i guess :D
thanks again guys
Are you sure your server's clock is set correctly? It would seem weird that the minutes would change. At the most I'd expect the hours to change if it was a different time zone, but not minutes.