I want to get all phone contacts by $cordovaContacts and manipulate them to send for server. like this
$scope.contacts = [];
filter: '',
fields: ['displayName','phoneNumbers']
}).then(function (allContacts) {
angular.forEach(allContacts, function (contact, index) {
"first_name": contact.name.givenName,
"last_name": contact.name.familyName,
"phone_number": contact.phoneNumbers[0].value
<p style="white-space: pre;">{{contacts | json: 3}}</p>
But angular.forEach
not working and there is No error, whats wrong?
Finally solve the problem ::
filter: '',
fields: ['displayName', 'name', 'phoneNumbers']
}).then(function (allContacts) {
var contacts = [];
angular.forEach(allContacts, function (contact, index) {
if (contact.phoneNumbers != null &&
contact.phoneNumbers[0].type == 'mobile' &&
contact.name != null) {
// if user have firstName and lastName
if (contact.name.givenName && contact.name.familyName) {
"first_name": contact.name.givenName,
"last_name": contact.name.familyName,
"phone_number": contact.phoneNumbers[0].value
} else {
"first_name": contact.name.givenName ? contact.name.givenName : '',
"last_name": contact.name.familyName ? contact.name.familyName : '',
"phone_number": contact.phoneNumbers[0].value