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Go Template : Use nested struct's field and {{range}} tag together

I have the following nested struct and I would like to iterate them in a template, in a {{range .Foos}} tag.

type Foo struct {
    Field1, Field2 string

type NestedStruct struct {
    NestedStructID string
    Foos []Foo

I'm trying with the following html/template but it can't access the NestedStructID from NestedStruct.

{{range .Foos}} { source: '{{.Field1}}', target: '{{.NestedStructID}}' }{{end}}

Is there any way with golang templates to do what I'd like to do?


  • You can't reach the NestedStructID field like that because the {{range}} action sets the pipeline (the dot .) in each iteration to the current element.

    You may use the $ which is set to the data argument passed to Template.Execute(); so if you pass a value of NestedStruct, you can use $.NestedStructID.

    For example:

    func main() {
        t := template.Must(template.New("").Parse(x))
        ns := NestedStruct{
            NestedStructID: "nsid",
            Foos: []Foo{
                {"f1-1", "f2-1"},
                {"f1-2", "f2-2"},
        fmt.Println(t.Execute(os.Stdout, ns))
    const x = `{{range .Foos}}{ source: '{{.Field1}}', target: '{{$.NestedStructID}}' }

    Output (try it on the Go Playground):

    { source: 'f1-1', target: 'nsid' }
    { source: 'f1-2', target: 'nsid' }

    This is documented in text/template:

    When execution begins, $ is set to the data argument passed to Execute, that is, to the starting value of dot.