Let's say we have the current situation in the Cube Browser
for Working Days Analysis.
it's part of the DimDateBST
and it was created in format year-month-day and the WD_Avg
is our interested measurement. The logic behind it's simple... If the day in month it's a working day then the value it's 1. If there is no woking day it's 0. If it's a half working day then it's 0,5.
We need to create a calculated measure
to Rollup
the measurement WD_AVG
based on the type of day. The desired result would be then:
How would be that achievable? Is there any MDX-function
that would work here?
The problem was solved by creating the following calculated measure:
SUM({NULL:[Dim Date BST].[Dat Cal].CurrentMember}
, [Measures].[WD_AVG])
creates a set of everything before the xyz member, i.e. everything to Dat Cal...