Search code examples

How to override client-side JavaScript in Share tier?

My question was started here: Is there a way to control the sorting order in the user's search interface?

I have found that I can to control the sort order by using people-finder.js

This script included in the FreeMarker template people-finder.get.html.ftl:

   <@markup id="css" >
      <#-- CSS Dependencies -->
      <@link href="${url.context}/res/components/people-finder/people-finder.css" group="people-finder"/>

   <@markup id="js">
      <#-- JavaScript Dependencies -->
      <@script src="${url.context}/res/components/people-finder/people-finder.js" group="people-finder"/>

    <@markup id="new-js" action="replace" target="js">
      <#– JavaScript Dependencies –>
      <@script src="${url.context}/res/components/people-finder/people-finder-ext.js" group="people-finder"/>

   <@markup id="widgets">
      <@createWidgets group="people-finder"/>

   <@markup id="html">
         <#assign el=args.htmlid?html>
         <div id="${el}-body" class="people-finder list theme-color-1">
            <div class="title theme-color-2"><label for="${el}-search-text">${msg("title")}</label></div>
            <div class="finder-wrapper">
               <@markup id="searchBar">
               <div class="search-bar theme-bg-color-3">
                  <div class="search-text"><input type="text" id="${el}-search-text" name="-" value="" maxlength="256" tabindex="0" placeholder="${msg('help.title')}"/></div>
                  <div class="search-button alf-colored-button">
                     <span id="${el}-search-button" class="yui-button yui-push-button"><span class="first-child"><button>${msg("")}</button></span></span>

                <@markup id="searchHelp">
               <div id="${el}-help" class="yui-g theme-bg-color-2 help hidden">

               <@markup id="searchResults">
               <div class="alf-results-wrapper">
                  <div id="${el}-results-info" class="yui-dt-liner theme-bg-color-2 result-info hidden"></div>
                  <div id="${el}-results" class="results hidden"></div>

To determine the required functionality I need to override this script and I "developed" my own - let's say, people-finder-ext.js

As I understand it, with this code I can achieve this:

<@markup id="new-js" action="replace" target="js">
  <#– JavaScript Dependencies –>
  <@script src="${url.context}/res/components/people-finder/people-finder-ext.js" group="people-finder"/>

In my AMP- extension I placed people-finder-ext.js here:


And modified FreeMarker template people-finder.get.html.ftl I placed here:


Then I run my project on the embedded Tomcat:

mvn integration-test -Pamp-to-war

So, I see that the sorting is not works the way I need.

I watched the network traffic between Share tier and the Alfresco/Repo tier and noticed, that my script people-finder-ext.js is not loaded.

After build I noticed, that my script is not present in \target\amp-war\ but only in \target\amp\.

What could be the reason?


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    Setup Alfresco sdk using maven: Setup Alfresco sdk using maven