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2 requests on JSP second one deletes variables contents

I'm getting 2 requests on a JSP page, then I process data in Util class. But how can I keep data from first request ? It seems like second request deletes all content of first request I save in vars.

Request are issued by 2 different send() in my orbeon process.

Here is how I would like to save my data on JSP :

// read request parameters
String documentId = request.getParameter("document");
String pdfUrl = "";
String base64Data = "";
// read request content (XML data entered by the user)
String data = Utils.readRequestBody(request);
if (Utils.isUrl(data)) {
    pdfUrl = Utils.getUrl(data);
} else {
    base64Data = Utils.encodeb64(data);

Here are my methods in Utils class :

    public static boolean isUrl(String data) {
        boolean isUrl = false;
        String urlString = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><uri>";
        if (data.toLowerCase().contains(urlString.toLowerCase())) {
            isUrl = true;
        return isUrl;

    public static String getUrl(String data) {
        String urlString = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><uri>";
        data = data.substring(urlString.length(), data.length()-7);
        return data;
 public static String readRequestBody(HttpServletRequest req) throws IOException {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        String line = null;
        BufferedReader reader = req.getReader();
        while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
            // important to add lineSeparator to preserve line feeds in multiline text fields
        return sb.toString();
    public static String encodeb64(String s) {
        return new String(Base64.getEncoder().encode(s.getBytes()));

So I think I didn't understand something so I need help to learn how to handle this case.

Best regards,



  • I just had to create HttpSession in the JSP to make it work. Thank you @Jacek Cz for the reminder about this.