I have been trying to get a form in an Aukai dashlet to work for over a week now. It was realativly easy to get it to appear on the dashboard but nothing I have done has resulted in any this being sent to the server!
Has anyone or know of anyone that has a form fully working in a Dashlet?
Mine will not read from the OPtionsService (does not fill the dropdown of a select) nor post to any topic on submit, just sits there and does nothing. I can see the events in the debug window but on chrome and firefox debug view there is no network activity and server does nothing.
dashlet get js
model.jsonModel = {
rootNodeId: args.htmlid,
pubSubScope: instance.object.id,
bodyHeight: "400px",
services: [
{ name: "alfresco/services/LoggingService",
config: {
enabled: true,
all: true
widgets: [
name: "alfresco/dashlets/Dashlet",
config: {
title: "My Messages",
bodyHeight: args.height || null,
componentId: instance.object.id,
widgetsForTitleBarActions: [
name: "alfresco/html/Label",
config: {
label: "Title-bar actions"
widgetsForToolbar: [
name: "alfresco/html/Label",
config: {
label: "Toolbar"
widgetsForBody: [
name: "alfresco/layout/VerticalWidgets",
config: {
widgetWidth: "350px",
widgets: [
{ name: "alfresco/forms/Form",
config: {
showOkButton: true,
okButtonLabel: "Send",
showCancelButton: false,
okButtonPublishTopic: "PUBLISH_TOPIC_MESSAGE",
okButtonPublishGlobal: true,
widgets: [{
name: "alfresco/forms/controls/TinyMCE",
config: {
fieldId: "MESSAGE_TEXT",
name: "message",
label: "Message",
widgetWidth: 200
name: "alfresco/forms/controls/Select",
config: {
fieldId: "RECIPENT",
name: "recipient",
label: "Send to",
publishPayload: {
url: url.context + "/proxy/alfresco/api/people",
itemsAttribute: "people",
labelAttribute: "firstName",
valueAttribute: "userName"
name: "alfresco/logging/DebugLog",
dashlet get html ftl
<@markup id="widgets">
<@processJsonModel group="share-dashlets" rootModule="alfresco/core/Page"/>
<@markup id="html">
<div id="${args.htmlid?html}"></div>
dashlet get desc xml
<description>An Aikau dashlet</description>
I slightly modified your code to fetch the users and displaying ina dropdown. Let me try with Option Service and will update you. Created a new function getUserList and called /api/people to get the data and displayed in the dropdown.
Hope this helps you now.
model.jsonModel = {
rootNodeId: args.htmlid,
pubSubScope: instance.object.id,
bodyHeight: "400px",
services: [
{ name: "alfresco/services/LoggingService",
config: {
enabled: false,
all: true
widgets: [
name: "alfresco/dashlets/Dashlet",
config: {
title: "My Messages",
bodyHeight: args.height || null,
componentId: instance.object.id,
widgetsForTitleBarActions: [
name: "alfresco/html/Label",
config: {
label: "Title-bar actions"
widgetsForToolbar: [
name: "alfresco/html/Label",
config: {
label: "Toolbar"
widgetsForBody: [
name: "alfresco/layout/VerticalWidgets",
config: {
widgetWidth: "350px",
widgets: [
{ name: "alfresco/forms/Form",
config: {
showOkButton: true,
okButtonLabel: "Send",
showCancelButton: false,
okButtonPublishTopic: "PUBLISH_TOPIC_MESSAGE",
okButtonPublishGlobal: true,
widgets: [{
name: "alfresco/forms/controls/TinyMCE",
config: {
fieldId: "MESSAGE_TEXT",
name: "message",
label: "Message",
widgetWidth: 200
name: "alfresco/forms/controls/Select",
config: {
fieldId: "RECIPENT",
name: "recipient",
label: "Send to",
optionsConfig: {
fixed: getUsersList()
requirementConfig: {
initialValue: true
name: "alfresco/logging/DebugLog",
function getUsersList() {
try {
var result = remote.call("/api/people?sortBy=fullName&dir=asc");
var userList = [];
if (result.status == status.STATUS_OK) {
var rawData = JSON.parse(result);
if (rawData && rawData.people) {
var dummyPerson = {
label: "Select Recipient",
value: " ",
selected: true
for (var x = 0; x < rawData.people.length; x++) {
var item = rawData.people[x];
if (item.firstName != null && item.firstName != "" && item.userName.indexOf("@") == -1 && item.enabled == true) {
var displayName = item.firstName + " " + item.lastName;
var person = {
label: displayName,
value: item.userName
} else {
throw new Error("Unable to fetch User List " + result.status);
return userList;
} catch(err) {
throw new Error(err);