I am a new learner in cococ2d-x game library, and I am learning how to create a simple game in iphone6. The SKD I am using is Xcode, but I have a problem in the screen resolution in the simulator, the situation is as follows:
auto visibleSize = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleSize();
Vec2 origin = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleOrigin();
CCLOG("visibleSize: visibleSize.width=%f, visibleSize.height=%f",visibleSize.width,visibleSize.height);
CCLOG("origin: origin.x=%f, origin.y=%f",origin.x, origin.y);
I use this code to print the visible size and the result is as follows:
visibleSize: visibleSize.width=180.281693,visibleSize.height=320.000000
origin: origin.x=149.859161, origin.y=0.000000
I go to google and found that the size of an iphone 6 is much bigger than the size I get from cocos2d-x code(320 x 480 points) and about the simulator, the tutorial is using iphone retina to show the demo, but I cannot found the iphone Retina simulator in my Xcode, I can only find Ipad Retina, and my simulator version is IOS9.3, this is really annoying because I cannot use the code like
to set the node to ZERO position, this object will be invisible due to the size problem.
Can someone help me please?
The resolution which you get by calling Director::getInstance()->getVisibleSize();
is not the real device's resolution. It's your Design Resolution
Besides, if you want to understand more about cocos2d-x
easy multi-resolution mechanism, check my other answer.
And notice the bottom-left point of the screen is determined by Origin Point
not Point::ZERO