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Find root of mapped volume (network-attached storage)

I have a network-attached storage mapped to /Volumes/Media, and then I use the path


in my program.

I want to be able to determine the what part of the path is the mapped drive, and which is the rest. Something like

os.path.split_volume('/Volumes/Media/some/path/') == '/Volumes/Media', 'some/path'

I am currently on Mac OS X, but I image that the code will generally run in a Linux environment.


  • I think I found the answer here:

    def split_on_mount_point(path):
        mount_point = os.path.abspath(path)
        while not os.path.ismount(mount_point):
            mount_point = os.path.dirname(mount_point)
        return mount_point, os.path.relpath(path, mount_point)