I try to use avconv for my web-app (Django on pythonanywhere). I have to extract a thumbnail from a video file. Using the bash console, I can run:
avconv -ss 00:01:00 -i myapp/myapp/media/inputvide.mp4 -vsync 1 -t 0.01 myapp/myapp/media/videothumb.png
This works fine. When I want to use this command by script (view.py) I tried:
cmd = 'avconv -ss 00:01:00 -i '+inputfile+' -vsync 1 -t 0.01 '+outputfile
inputfile is the path to my video and outputile is the path to my video + '.png' There are no errors thrown, but I can not find the output file anywhere in my folders?
Any ideas?
You could try with the subprocess library:
from subprocess import call
success = call('avconv -ss 00:01:00 -i '+inputfile+' -vsync 1 -t 0.01'+outputfile, shell=True)
if success != 0:
//The command has failed