I have a modal that adds a project to database.
When I clicked the add button I want the recent project data to appear on a pop-up window after the modal has been closed.
I think it is all about the LAST_INSERT_ID() function but it does not work.
Function of my add button:
if (!empty(isset($_POST["submit_n"]))) {
$project_name = $_POST["project_name"];
$sql = "INSERT INTO tbl_ongoing_project(project_name) VALUES('$project_name')";
$res = $con->query($sql);
header("Location: view_result.php");
I wanted the header to be like this :view_result.php?id=$id
$id = last insert id ???
You can write like this,
$res = $con->query($sql);
header("Location: view_result.php?id=".$con->insert_id);
It should work, and as a suggestion please use mysqli.