When I request for "GetUserProfile" of Shopping API with user id "goneatr". I got Store name "New England Auto Truck Recyclers" as store name.
that's correct!! but, when I request "findItemsIneBayStore" of finding API with store name "New England Auto Truck Recyclers", I got Error
<message>Invalid store name.</message>
<parameter>New England Auto Truck Recyclers</parameter>
Can anyone solve my issue?
When you make a request to the eBay Shopping API with a store name, you need to make sure spaces in the Store Name param are converted to "+". So your request should include a param
It's possible the client your making the API requests with is rendering them as " " or as "%20".
This is documented here: https://developer.ebay.com/devzone/finding/callref/findItemsIneBayStores.html#Samples