I have the following associations:
class Captain
has_many :boats
class Boat
belongs_to :captain
has_many :classifications
class Classification
has_many :boats
I want to find out which captains have boats that have classifications with :name attributes of "catamaran."
This has been my best guess so far:
Captain.includes(:boats, :classifications).where(:boats => {:classifications => {:name => "catamaran"}})
Try this
Captain.joins(boats: :classifications).where(classifications: { name: "catamaran" })
This query results in following SQL query
SELECT * FROM `captains`
INNER JOIN `boats` ON `boats`.`captain_id` = `captains`.`id`
INNER JOIN `join_table` ON `join_table`.`boat_id` = `boat`.`id`
INNER JOIN `classifications` ON `join_table`.`classification_id` = `classifications`.id