I'm trying to put a series of functions together for Entity Framework use. The idea is that I want to pass generic classes all into one routine, and then have the routine "type" it for me and act accordingly. I can't seem to figure out how to marry the Class back up with it's PropertyType.
public void AddUpdate(string classType, Object o)
//This gets the Type of my Class Object ok.
Type mType = Type.GetType(GetType().Namespace + "." + classType, true);
var meContext = new ClsContext(_ConnectionString);
//This retrieves the correct primary key for my the Class Object.
string key = FncGetPrimaryKey(meContext, classType + "s");
//I've tried this as a PropertyInfo as well instead of a Var
var keyID = o.GetType().GetProperty(key);
//I've tried this as Var as well as Dynamic
dynamic obj = o;
//Now I'm stuck, because I want to evaluate the property,
//but I get an error "<MyClass> does not contain a reference for 'keyID'
if (obj.keyID == 0) //ERROR ON THIS LINE
meContext.Entry(o).State = EntityState.Added;
meContext.Entry(o).State = EntityState.Modified;
Although, I did not fully understand why do you want it like this, I think, I understood what you are trying to achieve. This is how I do it in case if I want to add some common object:
public void AddUpdate<T>(T obj) where T : IEntity
using(var ctx = new ClsContext(_ConnectionString))
if (obj.keyID == 0)
ctx.Entry(o).State = EntityState.Added;
ctx.Entry(o).State = EntityState.Modified;
public interface IEntity
int keyId {get;set;}