I've installed RestKit via CocoaPods this afternoon. I immediately had duplicate/redefinition errors because I already had manually imported AFNetworking before, and CocoaPods re-installed it.
So I deleted the manually installed version, but now I am getting missing files errors, because apparently CocoaPods didn't install all the files.
AFNetworkActivityIndicatorManager.m:29:9: 'AFURLSessionManager.h' file not found
RKHTTPRequestOperation.h:21:9: 'AFHTTPClient.h' file not found
These files are not in the AFNetworking folder in my Pods folder.
I've tried removing RestKit from my Podfile and doing a clean install, but nothing is working.
These are the relevant lines in the Podfile:
platform :ios, '8.1'
pod 'RestKit', '~> 0.24.0'
Thanks for the help
Update to RestKit 0.27, which has incorporated AFNetworking 1.3 with non-conflicting names for its own use. Then if you need AFNetworking for your own code, you can add it as a separate Cocoapod.