I'm using Gorilla mux as my router and dispatcher in my golang apps and I have a -I think- simple question:
In my main, I create a router: r := mux.NewRouter()
. A few lines further, I register a handler: r.HandleFunc("/", doSomething)
So far so good, but now my problem is that I have a package which adds handlers to the http package
of Golang and not to my mux router. Like this:
func AddInternalHandlers() {
http.HandleFunc("/internal/selfdiagnose.html", handleSelfdiagnose)
http.HandleFunc("/internal/selfdiagnose.xml", handleSelfdiagnose)
http.HandleFunc("/internal/selfdiagnose.json", handleSelfdiagnose)
As you can see, it adds handles to the http.HandleFunc and not to the mux-handleFunc. Any idea how I can fix this without touching the package itself?
Working example
package main
import (
selfdiagnose "github.com/emicklei/go-selfdiagnose"
func homeHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
func main() {
r := mux.NewRouter()
r.HandleFunc("/", homeHandler)
// when handler (nil) gets replaced with mux (r), then the
// handlers in package selfdiagnose are not "active"
err := http.ListenAndServe(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", "localhost", 8080), nil)
if err != nil {
Well, in your particular case, the solution is easy.
The author of the selfdiagnose package choose to make handlers themselves public, so you can just use them directly:
r.HandleFunc("/", homeHandler)
// use the handlers directly, but you need to name a route yourself
r.HandleFunc("/debug", selfdiagnose.HandleSelfdiagnose)
Working example: https://gist.github.com/miku/9836026cacc170ad5bf7530a75fec777