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Usability Tests of Widely-Used Software

Does anyone know where I can go to find the results of usability testing of widely used software?

I want to be able to make informed decisions about:

  • which bits of existing packages to copy in my software
  • how to choose between multiple packages (programs, components, etc).

Really, I would be grateful for anything here.
I'm interested in: websites, office software, email clients, you name it.
I want objective, empirical information about what's good and what's not in specific instances.

This question is inspired by my answer to this question about markdown.


  • gives out awards for 10 Best X on a semiregular basis, e.g., 10 Best Intranets of 2009, 10 Best Application UIs of 2008, etc.

    In case I didn't make it clear, is the web site for Jakob Nielsen, and the Top 10 lists are the results of usability studies the NN/g conducts.