Suppose I have a function like this:
from toolz.curried import *
def foo(x, y):
print(x, y)
Then I can call:
Both return the same as expected.
However, I would like to do something like this:
@curry.inverse # hypothetical
def bar(*args, last):
print(*args, last)
The idea behind this is that I would like to pre-configure a function and then put it in a pipe like this:
f1, # another function
bar(1,2,3) # unknown number of arguments
Then, bar(1,2,3)(data)
would be called as a part of the pipe. However, I don't know how to do this. Any ideas? Thank you very much!
A more illustrative example was asked for. Thus, here it comes:
import pandas as pd
from toolz.curried import *
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
def filter_columns(*args, df):
return df[[*args]]
filter_columns("date", "temperature")
As you can see, the DataFrame is piped through the functions, and filter_columns
is one of them. However, the function is pre-configured and returns a function that only takes a DataFrame, similar to a decorator. The same behaviour could be achieved with this:
def filter_columns(*args):
def f(df):
return df[[*args]]
return f
However, I would always have to run two calls then, e.g. filter_columns()(df)
, and that is what I would like to avoid.
well I am unfamiliar with toolz module, but it looks like there is no easy way of curry a function with arbitrary number of arguments, so lets try something else.
First as a alternative to
def filter_columns(*args):
def f(df):
return df[*args]
return f
(and by the way, df[*args]
is a syntax error )
to avoid filter_columns()(data)
you can just grab the last element in args
and use the slice notation to grab everything else, for example
def filter_columns(*argv):
df, columns = argv[-1], argv[:-1]
return df[columns]
And use as filter_columns(df)
, filter_columns("date", "temperature", df)
, etc.
And then use functools.partial
to construct your new, well partially applied, filter to build your pipe like for example
from functools import partial
from toolz.curried import pipe # always be explicit with your import, the last thing you want is import something you don't want to, that overwrite something else you use
partial(filter_columns, "date", "temperature")