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iOS 10 Camera view showing API_Cancel_Title instead of Cancel

I am working on an app using iOS 10 and using camera for taking pictures. When camera view opens, instead of cancel button there is a title "API_CANCEL_TITLE". And when I capture the pic the whole title is seeing, I want that instead of this long title it will be look "Cancel". I have used app localization. I searched few links but could not find the solution.

Here is the screen shot:

enter image description here

This is happening only in iOS 10, in iOS 9 it will working correctly here is the code:

- (IBAction)takePicturePressed:(UIButton *)sender

    UIImagePickerController *picker = [[UIImagePickerController alloc] init];
    picker.delegate = self;
    picker.allowsEditing = YES;
    picker.sourceType = UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera;
    [self presentViewController:picker animated:YES completion:nil];

Please suggest...


  • I've approached the same problem using BundleLocalization and I've traced UIImagePickerController keys, that it gets from a bundle.

    Turns out, it uses 4 "tables" (in NSBundle nomenclature):

    • CameraUI (for camera)
    • PhotoLibraryServices (for PhotoLibrary)
    • PhotoLibrary (for PhotoLibrary)
    • PhotosUI (for PhotoLibrary)

    In my case, all I had to do, to localize UIImagePickerController interface, it was create in the project a couple of .strings files and localize them.

    Below content of mentioned files with keys I've seen (with standard english values), they are pretty self explaining

    "PHOTO" = "PHOTO";
    "API_CANCEL_TITLE" = "Cancel";
    "HDR_AUTO" = "Auto";
    "HDR_ON" = "On";
    "HDR_OFF" = "Off";
    "TIMER_OFF_TEXT" = "Off";
    "USE_PHOTO" = "Use Photo";
    "PHOTOS" = "Photos";
    "CAMERA_ROLL" = "Camera roll";
    "ALL_SCREENSHOTS" = "Screenshots";
    "CANCEL" = "Cancel";
    "RETAKE" = "Retake";
    "ALBUM_IMAGE_COUNT_FORMAT" = "%@ Photos";
    "ALBUM_VIDEO_COUNT_FORMAT" = "%@ Videos";
    "1_ALBUM_PHOTO" = "1 Photo";
    "1_ALBUM_VIDEO" = "1 Video";
    "ALL_PHOTOS_IN_LIBRARY" = "Moments";
    "PXUserCollectionsSectionTitle" = "My Albums";
    "NO_PHOTOS_OR_VIDEOS" = "No Photos or Videos";
    "EMPTY_ALBUM_LIST_MESSAGE_iPhone" = "You can take photos and videos using camera, or sync photos and videos onto your iPhone using iTunes";