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How to determine iOS Simulator or Android Simulator using Robot Framework

I am looking for a way to write scripts on Robot Framework so that I can run same set of scripts for iOS and Android. I understand that Android and iOS has different arguments for appium on Robot Framework (Also, device name, appPackage etc will be different). How can I write some if/else condition so that I can determine if the simulator is Android then run 'xyz' keywords but if the simulator is iOS then run 'abcd' keywords?

For example:

***Test Case***  
Run Keyword if  .....   Platform is Android ......  Login for Android  
Run Keyword if .....    Platform is iOS .......     Login for iOS

Login for Android  

Login for iOS   

In this case, how should I determine if "Platform is Android" or "Platform is iOS"?


  • Best solution would be probably to have ${platform} global variable that would determine platform on a test level. And also you place keyword names from a variable, that means following:

    Run Keyword If    '${platform}'=='${global_androidPlatform}'    ${keywordName}

    But I'm pretty sure there is better solution somewhere to be honest. :)