I made a crawler for this page (http://www.bobaedream.co.kr/cyber/CyberCar.php?gubun=I) to collect the stock list of specific manufacturers. The process is to start from selecting the drop-down menu in the first row of upper part of search menu.
Each right drop-down menu is child menu of its left drop-down menu. What I would like to do is to select each first item in each drop-down menu and click the "search" button for the first run. After crawling of its stock list, then I set the second item of the last drop-down menu and click the "search" button.
But the problem is occurred here. I saved each items of each drop-down menu as tuple. When I try to call the second item of the last drop-down menu for the second round of crawling, "StaleElementReferenceException" or "NoSuchElementException" is occurred with the message of "Element is no longer attached to the DOM". Thus, I would like to make the element wait until the entire round of each drop-down iteration is completed.
Below is my code, but still have the error message. My error usually occurs at the second while loop. At this moment, I guess some type of "wait.until(EC.~)" code in the second "try" function can work this out, but I have no specific idea for this. Please help or give me any advice.
def option2_menu_loaded(inDriver):
path = '//select[@id="level2_no"]'
return inDriver.find_element_by_xpath(path)
while True:
select_option2_values = [
('%s' % o.get_attribute('text'), '%s' % o.get_attribute('value'))
for o
in self.getNewSelect("#level2_no").options
if o.get_attribute('text') != '세부등급']
except (StaleElementReferenceException, NoSuchElementException):
print("Exception Found")
for option2 in select_option2_values:
self.csv.setCarTitle(ma, mo, de, option1[0], option2[0])
print(option2[0], option2[1])
while True:
except (StaleElementReferenceException, NoSuchElementException):
print("Exception Found")
If you google the StaleElementException you will see solutions that try to find again the element within a loop. So that is one idea, in your exception above try 3 times with 1 sec delay before each try to find_Element again, see if this helps.
Another idea is to refresh the page (certainly not ideal but it might work) between every crawl. You can do this in Python using:
Finally, you can also avoid looping (this might be causing the StaleElementException) through all the different elements when crawling as Selenium has a solution for that. You can save eveything in tuple/array without looping through each record by using find_ElementS instead of find_ElemenT. Try this see if it improves your overall performance:
a = driver.find_elements_by_xpath(path)
Best of luck!