I'm having an issue with a group_concat
statement within a subquery:
select group_concat(name separator " ")title,tmp.p_i
from (
select name,blog.db_blog_posts_title_words_evanhendler.p_i
from blog.db_blog_posts_title_words_evanhendler
join words.words_blog_posts_title
on blog.db_blog_posts_title_words_evanhendler.s_i=words.words_blog_posts_title.id
order by blog.db_blog_posts_title_words_evanhendler.id
group by tmp.p_i
yields the desired result:
| title | p_i |
| This is the title | 1 |
| This is the title | 2 |
| This is the title | 3 |
| This is the title | 4 |
select title from blog.db_blog_posts_title_evanhendler left join (
select group_concat(name separator " ")title,tmp.p_i
from (
select name,blog.db_blog_posts_title_words_evanhendler.p_i
from blog.db_blog_posts_title_words_evanhendler
join words.words_blog_posts_title
on blog.db_blog_posts_title_words_evanhendler.s_i=words.words_blog_posts_title.id
order by blog.db_blog_posts_title_words_evanhendler.id
group by tmp.p_i
on blog.db_blog_posts_title_evanhendler.id=tmp.p_i;
| title |
| is the title This |
| This is the title |
| This is the title |
| This is the title |
You need an optional parameter ORDER BY
within the group_concat. You got lucky the first few times with the order,but the additional join is causing the engine to put it in a different order. So....
GROUP_CONCAT(name ORDER BY Some_field_or_Fields_which_will_put_name_in_right_Order_For_you
Excerpt from Docs:
GROUP_CONCAT([DISTINCT] expr [,expr ...]
[ORDER BY {unsigned_integer | col_name | expr}
[ASC | DESC] [,col_name ...]]
[SEPARATOR str_val])
In MySQL, you can get the concatenated values of expression combinations. To eliminate duplicate values, use the DISTINCT clause. To sort values in the result, use the ORDER BY clause. To sort in reverse order, add the DESC (descending) keyword to the name of the column you are sorting by in the ORDER BY clause. ...
Again if you don't have anything to order by to put the "names" being combined in the right order, then you're out of luck. As order is not guaranteed otherwise!