I want to know the status of a process. I think I can use the wait family functions but actually I don't want to wait for the process, just check the status and go on.
I would want something like
if(status == WORKING) {
//do something
} else if(status == exited) {
//do something else
} else \\I dont care about other states
Then you want to use the waitpid
function with the WNOHANG
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
int status;
pid_t return_pid = waitpid(process_id, &status, WNOHANG); /* WNOHANG def'd in wait.h */
if (return_pid == -1) {
/* error */
} else if (return_pid == 0) {
/* child is still running */
} else if (return_pid == process_id) {
/* child is finished. exit status in status */