I'm trying to store number occurrence of a value to count variable.
for /F "tokens=*" %%N in ('findstr /r "^<.*^>.*%ATTR_TO_VERIFY%.*:" lofile.log ^| find /v "" /c') do set "COUNT=%%N"
echo %COUNT%
but count always give me value zero.
The regex error that @MCDN pointed out in the comments is the one causing the trouble.
You can also do it without the find /c
. To count the number of lines in the result of your findstr
command the following should do:
for /F "tokens=*" %%N in ('findstr /n /r "<.*>.*%ATTR_TO_VERIFY%.*:" lofile.log') do set /a COUNT+=1
echo %COUNT%
The FOR /F
automatically discards empty lines and lines starting with a ;
though. A way to solve this is to add the /n
flag to the findstr
and let findstr
add the line numbers at the beginning of each matched line.