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Integrate redux-form in current ongoing project

I don't know how to integrate redux-form into the current project I am working for.

Exactly I don't know ho to integrate redux-form reducer in the already given function reducer that the project provides me. This function returns currently 2 keys: {name, model} which are important for the app and can not be removed.

Some of you guys do know how I should proceed?

here my files: (I shorted them for the sake of brevity)


const modelReducer = (model = {}, action = {}) => {
    switch (action.type) {
      //blah blah...

export default function reducer(state = {}, action = {}) {
    const checkoutModel = modelReducer(state.model, action);
    return {
        name: || 'unnamed',
        model: checkoutModel


let data = {name, model: props};

let storeEnhancer = (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'local') ? DevTools.instrument : (() => (next) => next);

store = compose(storeEnhancer())(createStore)(myReducer, data);


// exactly like redux-form tutorial sample code


I already tried to add a new key {form: reduxForm} in reducer function, and it does not work.

If I use combine reducer (below) the form works!, but the keys {'name','model'} are not longer passed through the app. So it is not a valid solution.

const combinedReducer = combineReducers({
    form: formReducer,
    model: myReducer()['model'],
    name: myReducer()['name']

Hopefully some of you can send me some ideas! (Indeed, I think it is more about Javascript that from redux-form itself..)



  • Try...

    // dont forget to import the redux-form reducer
    import { reducer as formReducer } from 'redux-form';
    export default function reducer(state = {}, action = {}) {
      const checkoutModel = modelReducer(state.model, action);
      return {
        name: || 'unnamed',
        model: checkoutModel,
        form: formReducer(state.form, action)