I have sql job which has many job steps and each jobstep produces sql output which i need to run on the target envrionment. To run the sql job step outputs on target environment, i have batch file which includes list of .sql files.
My problem is when job step output created, it would include job step information in the firstline and also [SQLSTATE 01000].
I need to strip off the first line and replace [SQLSTATE 01000] with empty strings for all the .sql files in the directory.
What would be the best way to achieve this.
I am using sql server 2008 r2.
Thanks in advance
@ECHO =========================Batch File==================== @ECHO This example will create a database in Sql Server. It will simply execute the sql script created in directory... msg * hello for %%G in (C:\B*.sql) do sqlcmd -S INDIA55-PPC\SQLEXPRESS -U sa -P pass -d DatabaseName -i "%%G"