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Supplying section arguments for examples

Consider this section:

Section MyMap.

Variables D R : Type.

Fixpoint mymap (f : D -> R) (l : list D) : list R :=
  match l with
  | nil => nil
  | d :: t => f d :: mymap f t

End MyMap.

Here I've used Variables to declare my domain and range types. As a sanity check on the definition of my function, I would like to include an Example:

Example example_map_S : mymap S [0; 1; 2] = [1; 2; 3].
  simpl; trivial.

However it seems I can't do so within my section. Instead I get:

Error: The term "S" has type "nat -> nat" while it is expected to have type "D -> R".

That's not too surprising, so let's try it another way:

Example example_map_S : @mymap nat nat S [0; 1; 2] = [1; 2; 3].
  simpl; trivial.

Which produces:

Error: The term "nat" has type "Set" while it is expected to have type "D -> R".

I suppose that's fair, section-ized Variables aren't the same thing as implicit arguments. But it still leaves the question!

How can I supply concrete Variables to a term before closing the section, in order to create useful Examples?


  • Section MyMap.

    If we check the type of mymap inside the section, we get

    Check mymap.
    (* mymap : (D -> R) -> list D -> list R *)

    Of course, we can't unify D and R with nat, since D and R are some locally postulated types.

    However, we can sort of simulate your example in this generalized setting, showing the expected property of the mymap function:

    Example example_nil (f : D -> R) :
      mymap f [] = [] := eq_refl.
    Example example_3elems (f : D -> R) (d0 d1 d2 : D) :
      mymap f [d0; d1; d2] = [f d0; f d1; f d2] := eq_refl.
    End MyMap.