This morning I received an email stating my website was not working. I'm getting an error when ever I try to write to my database. The Error is:
The database [NAME] has reached its size quota. Partition or delete data, drop indexes, or consult the documentation for possible resolutions.
My database is only 16MB with a 2GB limit! I ran this query on the database after doing some research.
SELECT (SUM(reserved_page_count) * 8192)
FROM sys.dm_db_partition_stats
Results were
Obviously my database is much smaller than the max size. Is there any other problem that may cause this to happen?
I am going to try to delete and restore the database in the mean time.
Once I restored the database, it started working again.
Just encountered similar problem (same exception message) with Azure DB last night - we have a 50 GB quota for elastic DB pool in Azure and total size of pool DB's is around 4 GB now. So i was expecting that all databases can grow as long as they reach total pool quota.
Turns out though that Azure actually handles quotas not based on what you have set in service plan for DB or elastic pool, but based on the quota property stored in DB instead:
Specifically, when a database with a size quota explicitly lowered from the default is scaled up to a higher service objective, its size quota remains unchanged. For an administrator expecting the maximum size quota for the new service objective to be in effect after the scaling operation completes, this may be an unpleasant surprise.