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Does Android debug.keystore SHA1 is same for all?

debug.keystore is generated automatically when we install our android sdk. So does our debug.keystore will have same SHA1 in all machines?


  • You won't have a same debug key for each machine. And you won't have a same debug key for a machine because there is an expiry for the debug key:

    The self-signed certificate used to sign your APK for debugging has an expiration date of 365 days from its creation date. When the certificate expires, you will get a build error.

    To fix this problem, simply delete the debug.keystore file. The file is stored in the following locations:

    • ~/.android/ on OS X and Linux
    • C:\Documents and Settings\.android\ on Windows XP
    • C:\Users\.android\ on Windows Vista and Windows 7, 8, and 10

    The next time you build and run the debug build type, the build tools will regenerate a new keystore and debug key. Note that you must run your app, building alone does not regenerate the keystore and debug key.

    There's possibility that you'll get the same debug key before the expiration date, but don't depends on it.