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Change VNC boot configuration in Raspbian Jessie

When I boot my Pi 3 connected to a monitor, the built-in VNC server loads with the monitor's resolution. When I boot the Pi 3 without a monitor connected, it defaults to a much lower resolution.

I've found this lower resolution extremely difficult to code on as I can't see very much of my code at once.

Is there any way to set a configuration file and specify the resolution the VNC server launches at?


  • Found after more digging:

    The boot configuration in Raspbian (I'm using Jessie) needed to be modified.

    To do this I ran sudo nano /boot/config.txt in terminal to open the file as superuser in nano.

    I changed (un-commented) the following lines:


    mode=16 is standard 1080p IIRC

    Modes can be found here: Raspberry Pi Configuration

    From what I understand, what we're doing is forcing the Pi to boot as if a monitor were connected, then specifying the resolution.