I am fairly new to LINQ and having issues when converting this SQL to LINQ. Can any one help me achieve this?
Select DISTINCT u.ID from
(Select x.ID from table1 x where x.Info = 0) u
where u.ID not in
(select c.ID from table1 c where c.Info = 1)
I have a table table 1
ID Info
1 0
1 1
1 0
2 0
3 1
3 0
4 0
5 1
I want to return all records that have all Info = 0 so the output for the above table would be 2, 4
Please share some insights
While you selected Octaviocci's answer, I would point out there is LINQ that looks like SQL than there are those that use Lambda expressions like his. Here is what a regular Linq statment might look like when your more familiar with T-SQL:
var nonEquijoinQuery = (from a in table1
let b = from c in table1
where c.Info == 1
select c.ID
where a.Info == 0 && b.Contains(a.ID) == false
select a.ID).Distinct();