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LINQ query to get the all the datarows based on a distinct column

In VB.Net I have below LINQ Query

Dim temp = (From r In datatable Select r Order By r.str Descending)

But I want it to be unique based on str column. I know how to get just the str column from the LINQ and mark it as distinct. But I want the entire row (all columns) and have the distinct based on str column

something like

 Dim temp = (From r In datatable Select r Order By r.str Descending).distinct(r.str)

If some one can give me answer in C# I will translate it in VB.Net



col1 col2 str
A    B     X
A1   B1    Y
A2   B2    X

output should be

col1 col2 str
A     B    X
A1    B1   Y


  • If you want to select only first row from rows with same str field value:

    from r in datatable.AsEnumerable()
    group r by r.Field<string>("str") into g
    orderby g.Key descending
    select g.First()

    Or method syntax

             .GroupBy(r => r.Field<string>("str"))
             .OrderByDescending(g => g.Key)
             .Select(g => g.First())