I want the total payment amount for all workdays plus the running total of payment amount from non-workdays. For example, I have the below table with payment amounts per day of the month.
create table #payment_amounts
ReceivedDate date
,PaymentAmount decimal(13,2)
,PostingDay int
insert #payment_amounts values('2/1/15',100000.00,0)
insert #payment_amounts values('2/2/15',200000.00,1)
insert #payment_amounts values('2/3/15',300000.00,1)
insert #payment_amounts values('2/4/15',400000.00,1)
insert #payment_amounts values('2/5/15',500000.00,1)
insert #payment_amounts values('2/6/15',100000.00,1)
insert #payment_amounts values('2/7/15',200000.00,1)
insert #payment_amounts values('2/8/15',300000.00,0)
insert #payment_amounts values('2/9/15',400000.00,0)
insert #payment_amounts values('2/10/15',500000.00,1)
The output for this looks like:
ReceivedDate PaymentAmount PostingDay
2015-02-01 100000.00 0
2015-02-02 200000.00 1
2015-02-03 300000.00 1
2015-02-04 400000.00 1
2015-02-05 500000.00 1
2015-02-06 100000.00 1
2015-02-07 200000.00 1
2015-02-08 300000.00 0
2015-02-09 400000.00 0
2015-02-10 500000.00 1
So what I want is the PaymentAmount value for only rows that have PostingDay = 1. But if the prior dates are PostingDay = 0, then I want the sum of those PaymentAmounts. So from the above data, I want it to look like below:
ReceivedDate PaymentAmount PostingDay RunningTotal
2/1/2015 100,000.00 - -
2/2/2015 200,000.00 1 300,000.00
2/3/2015 300,000.00 1 300,000.00
2/4/2015 400,000.00 1 400,000.00
2/5/2015 500,000.00 1 500,000.00
2/6/2015 100,000.00 1 100,000.00
2/7/2015 200,000.00 1 200,000.00
2/8/2015 300,000.00 - -
2/9/2015 400,000.00 - -
2/10/2015 500,000.00 1 1,200,000.00
How can I do this?
Bit of a head-scratcher, but give this a try:
;with cte1 as (
Select A.*
,LagGrp = Lag(Grp,1) over (Order by ReceivedDate)
From (
Select *
,Grp = IIF(PostingDay=1,null,Row_Number() over (Order By ReceivedDate) - Row_Number() over (Partition By PostingDay Order By ReceivedDate))
From #payment_amounts
) A
Select A.ReceivedDate
,RunningTotal = (PaymentAmount + IsNull((Select sum(PaymentAmount) From cte1 Where Grp=A.LagGrp),0)) * PostingDay
from cte1 A
Order By 1