When I push commit from Git Bash git push origin HEAD:refs/for/master gerrit creates code review
but how it could be made from Git GUI?
Pushing using Git Gui
You can create a Tool Command to perform this action:
Add the following Tool Command
Check the check boxs:
Show a dialog before running
Ask the user to select a revision
Add globally
When you need to push to Gerrit just execute Tools > Push2Gerrit and give the branch you want to push to.
Note: you can have different specific commands (like push2master for example) and get rid the $REVISION variable and the dialog phase.
Pushing using Gerrit UI
You can't "push a commit" from Gerrit UI but you can create a change using just the Gerrit UI:
Give the change information:
Select branch for new change = Branch name where the change will be created
Enter topic for new change = Topic of the change (opcional)
Description = Commit message
Click on "Create" button
This procedure will create a draft change, select it, add/remove/change files, review/approve and submit.